Talk by Sarah Lynne Bowman, Austin Community College.
Abstract here.
Talks by Gerit Pfuhl from UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Abstract here.
Talks by Matte Terp Høybye, Lise Marie Andersen and Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg, Dept. of Clinical Medicine.
Abstracts here.
Talk by Riccardo Fusaroli, Cognitive Science
Human languages vary in surprising ways, and much research has shown how our ways of looking at the world (conceptual systems) vary accordingly. However, little is known as to how linguistic differences impact our very basic cognitive processes: the way we process, integrate and produce information. This is the gap that the Puzzle of Danish (a FKK funded project) is tackling. Full abstract here.
Talk by Rebekah Baglini, IMC
Although socio-culturally and linguistically close, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark chose different measures to confront the COVID-19 pandemic: Denmark and Norway quickly imposed lockdowns, while Sweden largely avoided imposing government prohibitions.
This talk reports on in-progress research on the Scandinavian media landscape during the Covid-19 era, conducted as part of the HOPE Project (How Democracies Cope with Covid-19: A Data-Driven Approach). Using Danish newspaper data, we combine latent variable modeling and information theory to show how legacy media respond to a catastrophe that has both social and natural factors. And using a nearly comprehensive sample of Twitter data from all three countries from April-June, we model variation in topical and sentiment patterns aligned with the epidemic's progression and government policy interventions. Link.
Talk by Marieke Woensdregt, Radboud University Nijmegen
How did humans learn to communicate successfully? Natural languages come with a significant amount of ambiguity and underdeterminacy: any given utterance can have an infinite set of potential intended meanings (Carston, 2002; Wasow et al., 2005)
Full abstract here.
Talk by Cordula Vesper and Kristian Tylén, Cognitive Science
Our experiences of the surrounding cultural and physical environment are largely shaped by conceptualizations originating in social interactions (Tylén et al. 2013, Latour 1996). Through social interactions we align and conform our attentional profiles and representational construal of space (Nölle et al. 2020). This has the implication that aspects of experience of the environment can potentially differ as a function of the cultural group with which we have a history (Majid et al. 2004).
Read more here.
Talk by Ben Mardell, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Ben Mardell is a principal investigator at Project Zero, a research organization at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He works on the Pedagogy of Play, Children are Citizens and Inspiring Agents of Change projects. Ben has been associated with Project Zero since 1999, initially as a researcher on the Making Learning Visible (MLV) project and helped co-author Making Learning Visible: Children as Individual and Group Learners. After continuing his work as a preschool and kindergarten teacher, Ben returned as a researcher on MLV and co-authored Visible Learners: Promoting Reggio-Inspired Approaches in All Schools. Ben’s publications include: From Basketball to the Beatles: In Search of Compelling Early Childhood Curriculum and Growing Up in Child Care: A Case For Quality Early Education. When not at PZ, Ben enjoys playing with his family (hiking, swimming and games) and participating in triathlons.
Project Zero Pedagogy of Play Children are Citizens Inspiring Agents of Change Making Learning Visible
Talk by Oana Vuculescu, Department of Management, AU
Abstract:Using a novel dataset from the TopCoder platform we investigate solver’s search for solutions as well as the role of expertise in shaping their problem solving process. We find that while some solvers on the platform do act according to the win-stay, lose-shift rule, skilled solvers are less likely to rely on this meta-heuristic, and that somewhat counter-intuitively experts make more smaller changes, that is, they change their solutions more often than non-experts, but when they do, they make smaller changes.
Sune Lehmann (Danish Technical University) gives an overview of the project “HOPE - How Democracies Cope with Covid19: A Data-Driven Approach”
As a direct result of the spread of the Corona virus and the acute health crisis in Denmark and the rest of the world, the Carlsberg Foundation grants DKK 25 million to a new Semper Ardens project to investigate social behavior in both the public space and on social media.
Rebekah Baglini (Interacting Minds Centre, AU) (40:30) presents “Natual Language Processing – How can we use large and diverse textual datasets and NLP tools to address HOPE research questions?”
Ning de Coninck-Smith (51:00) “Days with Corona – A bouquet of initiatives”
Andreas Lieberoth (DPU) (01:14:20) presents the “COVIDiSTRESS global survey”, survey in 42 languages collecting global data on the psychological and behavioural impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
Micah Allen (AIAS), (01:35:45): Body Isolation Project. Survey
Christine Parsons (Dept. of Clinical Medicine) (2:00:20) “Repeat Assessment of Mental Health in Pandemics (RAMP)” – project with King’s College London.